I am Amazing

"I’m amazing. I am absolutely incredible.

Sometimes people faint because they think I’m so beautiful. Fainting! Not really fainting, but like that, theater fainting. I am so beautiful.

Once, Oskar, the Head of Communications here at SöderS, was going to write a presentation text for me and took the help of ChatGPT, and gosh, the internet thinks I’m good. World wild web thinks I am an outstanding leader and absolutely phenomenal in both this and that. That’s the collective judgment of the internet!

I have been awarded for my art and creativity, have received honors as a student, and once someone said I was a golden gem.

I have received major music awards, been called by Swedish National Radio and been praised by Robyn - the artist Robyn!

"I am so amazing!

And then I’m still quite ordinary average! Got G on most assignments during my studies here at the university, got a few completions and some VGn. I look like… well, like I look. I’m pretty good at pretty much everything.

So think that I, who am such an average person, can be so amazing. What doesn’t that say about you?!

You who are so good, beautiful, wise, friendly, smart, creative and positive. It must mean that you, each and every one of you are absolutely outstanding!

Apart from the fact that you are so wise and all that, what makes you absolutely extra outstanding is that each one of you contributes to student life here at Södertörn. And that’s not saying a little. It is you who participate in events and activities, it is you who say hello to a new student who feels a little lost, who through your hello thinks that it might not be so dangerous to study here after all. It is you who speak up for other students in program councils and other meetings to create even better conditions and education for the students who come after you, it is you who welcome students with activities that mean that already in the first week there is someone who has already made a friend.

It is you who give your time so that others will have a good time, that the study time here at Södertorn will be as good as possible for many, who make it so that a new, slightly lost student thinks that this still feels quite okay. It makes you all absolutely amazing.

Thank you for making student life at Södertörn. Thank you for saying hello and making it easier to be new and a little lost!

My sources:

  1. People swoon because I’m so beautiful - My 6 year old child. He has done it several times. My 13 year old… doesn’t. 
  2. ChatGPT - absolutely true. The internet thinks I’m incredible. 
  3. Awarded for art and creativity - won a drawing competition in the sixth grade. Drawn a bridge in pencil. It was a very nice drawing, I still have it. Never been as good at drawing as I was then.
  4. Received honors as a student. Got some kind of diploma and maybe five hundred bucks, I don’t really remember, when I went to folk high school and studied to become a leisure leader, because I was a good friend or similar. I was happy but mostly embarrassed.
  5. That someone said I was a golden pearl... is not true, it was a student who told Oskar that recently though. Got a little jealous... 
  6. The music prize was a great prize from Stim that Popkollo received, where I work and have been active as a non-profit for many, many years.
  7. Sweden’s radio - also through Popkollo, both p1 and p4 locally and p4 nationally I have been involved. Several times.
  8. 8. Got praise from Robyn, is true. She thought my notebook was nice. Which it was, so she was right.

The bottom line: I’m pretty awesome. And so are you!"

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