Student Rights & Equal Treatment

SöderS offers support and counseling for students at Södertörn University who experience study-related problems.

Find Your Representative

Here you will find who represents your education in the university's preparatory and decision-making bodies. And how to contact them of course. The page is only available on our Swedish site.

Student Representation

Shape Your Education

Do as thousands of others have done before you; become a student or doctoral student representative for your education. Or why not some other central advice that suits you?

Get Remuneration

Register your details and report your meetings - as a member you will receive remuneration for your important mission.


Be a student representative - get priority for exchange studies.

Support In Your Studies

Course Literature

Get the literature you need in a way that's nice to the climate and your wallet.


Let us help you find a home during your studies.

Student Health

Studenthä is your portal to student health, no matter where or how you study in Sweden. Here you will find facts, events and interviews that can provide you with tips and advice for improved well-being.

Become a Student Representative

Student representatives fill an essential and irreplaceable role both within the student union, and the university as a whole. Together they ensure that students’ voices are listened to and acted upon.

About our mission

SöderS is responsible for overseeing the quality and content of the education offered at the university. This is accomplished by assigning student representatives. Together student representatives make sure that students’ opinions are heard and acted upon, in turn impacting the quality of the education and atmosphere at Campus Flemingsberg. 

As a student representative, you oversee the content of your own, as well as your fellow students’ education. The responsibility therefore includes attending meetings with those in charge of courses and/or programmes offered at the university. During these meetings you will, amongst other things, contribute with the student perspective on issues concerning your education. Such as choosing the course literature or what is to be accommodated in courses and programs.

No prior knowledge required. The assignment involves approximately 2 hours of work per month.

Benefits as a student representative

  • If you are a member of SöderS, the student union pays you a fee of SEK 100 / hour, plus a preparation fee of SEK 100 for your meeting time.
  • You gain influence over your education and thus the chance to influence the status of your degree.
  • A good merit for your CV.
  • Opportunity for further education at our Influence Forums.

Do you have questions? Email

How do I do?

The assignment as a student representative is appointed by the union, to be appointed you must first attend our introduction. The reason for this is partly that it is an official position of trust that you receive from the student union, but also for your sake. It is important that you as a student representative know your rights and obligations and feel comfortable in the role.

Sign up for an introductory session here!

Tove Lindgren

Student Representative 2019 for the Europe Programme

You get an influential position, maybe not everyone understands how much influence we can have if we just take a seat. Without student representatives, there would be many misunderstandings between teachers and students.

Yafet Habtu

Student Representative 2019 for the Sports management Programme

Anyone who wants to influence and has motivation to change their education can become a student representative. You don't have to have prior knowledge, be in a certain way or look a certain way - if you want to be a student representative, you can be.

Hanna Brandt

Student Representative 2019 for the Europe Programme

Södertörn University stands for a democratic education where all decisions are not taken over the students' heads and where we are involved in that process. Without student representation, a lot would have gone down the drain. We cannot expect change if we do not speak out.

On-site or Digital on Zoom

Do you wish to have an introduction in English?

Please see the sign up form. If you do not find any session in English, please contact our Student representative coordinator at to book an introduction.

Isabella Blomstrand & Thérèse Lelli

Coordinators for student representation